$this->loaded[$method_name] = & ${$method_name};
// Add vars injected from controller
${$method_name}->__services = $this->__services;
// Pass View vars to Helper Object
foreach ( $this->__passedVars AS $key )
// Finds the view file
$viewPath = $this->locateThemeFile($action,$file,$this->ext,$this->frontend);
$out = $this->_render($viewPath, $this->viewVars);
# Set layout file
if ($layout === null) {
$layout = $this->layout;
$view = new MyView($this);
$out = $view
->render($folder, $file, $layout);
// Restore controller variable values
foreach ( ['name','action','viewSuffix'] AS $var )
if ($output)
return $output;
return parent::render($folder, $template, $layout);
* This callback can be used to inject assets to the head of the page from within Add-ons while also providing access
* to the controller::viewVars array. Use S2Component::plgBeforeAfterFilter method.
// Remove parameters added through menu custom params so they are not used in pagination
$this->passedArgs = array_diff_key($this->passedArgs, $this->customParamsArray);
return $this->render('listings','listings_' . $this->listview);
public function compareCatchAll()
$this->action = 'compare';
$out = $this->liveSearchResults();
else {
$out = $this->listings();
return $out;
// If macroable controller method exists, then use that instead of the core method
$action = $macroableController && $controller->hasMacro($controller->action.'_override') ? $controller->action.'_override' : $controller->action;
$output = $controller->{$action}($this->params);
$controller->output = &$output;
# Instantiate view class and let it handle ouput
if (isset($dispatchParams[$key]) && !$dispatchParams[$key]) {
echo $Dispatcher->dispatch($dispatchParams);
function JReviewsRouteActionsMap($action)
$this->app['router']->any('{any}', function () {
require_once __DIR__.'/web-legacy-'._CMS_NAME.'.php';
return JReviewsLegacyRouting($this->app['request']->server->get('REQUEST_URI'));
})->where('any', '(.*)');
$callable = $this->action['uses'];
if ($this->isSerializedClosure()) {
$callable = \unserialize($this->action['uses'])->getClosure();
return $callable(...\array_values($this->resolveMethodDependencies($this->parametersWithoutNulls(), new \ReflectionFunction($callable))));
* Determine if the route action is a serialized Closure.
* @return bool
$this->container = $this->container ?: new \FWD\Illuminate\Container\Container();
try {
if ($this->isControllerAction()) {
return $this->runController();
return $this->runCallable();
} catch (\FWD\Illuminate\Http\Exceptions\HttpResponseException $e) {
return $e->getResponse();
protected function runRouteWithinStack(\FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route, \FWD\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
$shouldSkipMiddleware = $this->container->bound('middleware.disable') && $this->container->make('middleware.disable') === \true;
$middleware = $shouldSkipMiddleware ? [] : $this->gatherRouteMiddleware($route);
return (new \FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline($this->container))->send($request)->through($middleware)->then(function ($request) use($route) {
return $this->prepareResponse($request, $route->run());
* Gather the middleware for the given route with resolved class names.
protected function prepareDestination(\Closure $destination)
return function ($passable) use($destination) {
try {
return $destination($passable);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->handleException($passable, $e);
if ($route->getMissing()) {
return $route->getMissing()($request, $exception);
throw $exception;
return $next($request);
// If the pipe is already an object we'll just make a callable and pass it to
// the pipe as-is. There is no need to do any extra parsing and formatting
// since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object.
$parameters = [$passable, $stack];
$carry = \method_exists($pipe, $this->method) ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters) : $pipe(...$parameters);
return $this->handleCarry($carry);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->handleException($passable, $e);
* @return mixed
public function then(\Closure $destination)
$pipeline = \array_reduce(\array_reverse($this->pipes()), $this->carry(), $this->prepareDestination($destination));
return $pipeline($this->passable);
* Run the pipeline and return the result.
* @return mixed
protected function runRouteWithinStack(\FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route, \FWD\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
$shouldSkipMiddleware = $this->container->bound('middleware.disable') && $this->container->make('middleware.disable') === \true;
$middleware = $shouldSkipMiddleware ? [] : $this->gatherRouteMiddleware($route);
return (new \FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline($this->container))->send($request)->through($middleware)->then(function ($request) use($route) {
return $this->prepareResponse($request, $route->run());
* Gather the middleware for the given route with resolved class names.
$request->setRouteResolver(function () use($route) {
return $route;
$this->events->dispatch(new \FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Events\RouteMatched($route, $request));
return $this->prepareResponse($request, $this->runRouteWithinStack($route, $request));
* Run the given route within a Stack "onion" instance.
* @param \Illuminate\Routing\Route $route
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function dispatchToRoute(\FWD\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
return $this->runRoute($request, $this->findRoute($request));
* Find the route matching a given request.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function dispatch(\FWD\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
$this->currentRequest = $request;
return $this->dispatchToRoute($request);
* Dispatch the request to a route and return the response.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
protected function dispatchToRouter()
return function ($request) {
$this->app->instance('request', $request);
return $this->router->dispatch($request);
* Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware.
protected function prepareDestination(\Closure $destination)
return function ($passable) use($destination) {
try {
return $destination($passable);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->handleException($passable, $e);
public function handle($request, \Closure $next)
// Check if we're dealing with CORS and if we should handle it
if (!$this->shouldRun($request)) {
return $next($request);
// For Preflight, return the Preflight response
if ($this->cors->isPreflightRequest($request)) {
$response = $this->cors->handlePreflightRequest($request);
$this->cors->varyHeader($response, 'Access-Control-Request-Method');
// If the pipe is already an object we'll just make a callable and pass it to
// the pipe as-is. There is no need to do any extra parsing and formatting
// since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object.
$parameters = [$passable, $stack];
$carry = \method_exists($pipe, $this->method) ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters) : $pipe(...$parameters);
return $this->handleCarry($carry);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->handleException($passable, $e);
* @return mixed
public function then(\Closure $destination)
$pipeline = \array_reduce(\array_reverse($this->pipes()), $this->carry(), $this->prepareDestination($destination));
return $pipeline($this->passable);
* Run the pipeline and return the result.
* @return mixed
protected function sendRequestThroughRouter($request)
$this->app->instance('request', $request);
return (new \FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline($this->app))->send($request)->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware)->then($this->dispatchToRouter());
* Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
* @return void
public function handle($request)
try {
$response = $this->sendRequestThroughRouter($request);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
$response = $this->renderException($request, $e);
$this->app['events']->dispatch(new \FWD\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Events\RequestHandled($request, $response));
function s2_dispatch()
$app = fwd_app();
$request = fwd_request();
$kernel = $app->get('kernel');
$response = $kernel->handle($request);
if ($app->has('response_headers')) {
if ($response->getStatusCode() === 204) {
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
require_once JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_jreviews/jreviews/framework.php';
if (! static::throw_s2framework_error()) {
require __DIR__.DS.'jreviews'.DS.'cms_compat'.DS.'joomla'.DS.'bootloader.php';
public static function s2framework_is_not_active()
if (defined('S2FRAMEWORK_BOOTED')) {
require_once __DIR__."/{$cmsName}.php";
$jreviews = new JReviews\JReviews();
// Load common and local language files.
$lang->load($this->app->scope, JPATH_BASE) || $lang->load($this->app->scope, JPATH_COMPONENT);
// Execute the component
$loader = static function ($path) {
require_once $path;
// Execute the component
$loader = static function ($path) {
require_once $path;
if (!static::isEnabled($option)) {
throw new MissingComponentException(Text::_('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND'), 404);
$contents = ob_get_clean();
// Revert the scope
$app->scope = $scope;
$document->setGenerator('Joomla! - Open Source Content Management - Version ' . JVERSION);
} else {
$document->setGenerator('Joomla! - Open Source Content Management');
$contents = ComponentHelper::renderComponent($component);
$document->setBuffer($contents, 'component');
// Trigger the onAfterDispatch event.
$this->checkUserRequireReset('com_users', 'profile', 'edit', 'com_users/profile.save,com_users/profile.apply,com_users/user.logout');
// Dispatch the application
// Mark afterDispatch in the profiler.
JDEBUG ? $this->profiler->mark('afterDispatch') : null;
// Perform application routines.
// If we have an application document object, render it.
if ($this->document instanceof \Joomla\CMS\Document\Document) {
// Render the application output.
// Set the application as global app
\Joomla\CMS\Factory::$application = $app;
// Execute the application.
* define() is used rather than "const" to not error for PHP 5.2 and lower
define('_JEXEC', 1);
// Run the application - All executable code should be triggered through this file
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/app.php';
Error: Attempt to assign property "__services" on bool at /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_s2framework/s2framework/libs/view/view.php:376 at MyView->_render('/www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/templates/jreviews_overrides/views/themes/bonvinitas/listings/listings_blogview.thtml', array('page' => array('title' => 'Aldi Süd', 'menu_title' => 'Erweiterte Suche', 'seo_title' => '', 'top_description' => '', 'show_title' => '1', 'menuParams' => array('action' => '11', 'criteriaid' => '0', 'tmpl_suffix' => '', 'menu-anchor_title' => '', 'menu-anchor_css' => '', 'menu_image' => '', 'menu_text' => 1, 'page_title' => '', 'show_page_heading' => 0, 'page_heading' => '', 'pageclass_sfx' => '', 'menu-meta_description' => '', 'menu-meta_keywords' => '', 'robots' => '', 'secure' => 0), 'title_seo' => 'Aldi Süd', 'show_description' => '1'), 'show_map' => false, 'search_itemid' => 563, 'themeDebug' => false, 'addonPosition' => array('below-fields' => array(), 'below-description' => array(), 'below-socialbookmarks' => array(), 'below-bottommedia' => array(), 'below-editorreviews' => array(), 'below-userreviews' => array()), 'captcha' => '', 'listingListLayoutSettings' => array('layoutSwitcher' => true), 'subclass' => 'listing', 'directory' => array(), 'category' => array(), 'categories' => array(), 'parent_categories' => array(), 'cat_id' => 0, 'listings' => array(array('Listing' => array('listing_id' => 8805, 'slug' => '2019-rose-pinot-noir', 'title' => '2019 Rosé Pinot Noir ', 'summary' => '', 'description' => '<span style="color: #333333; font-family: \'Droid Sans\', \'Helvetica Neue\', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">Schöne Lachsfarbe; in der Nase Noten von Erdbeeren, Hagebutten, Zitronengelee; auf der Zunge ein süffiger Wein, der einen anspringt, mit dezent süßen Untertönen; anregendes Finish, in dem die dezenten Untertöne lange nachhallen; ein Wein wie eine Frühlingswiese zum frisch und jung Genießen. Schön zu Gemüsegratin, Grillsteaks oder für laue Frühlings- oder Sommerabende.</span>', 'images' => '', 'hits' => 1044, 'cat_id' => 22, 'user_id' => 43, 'author_alias' => '', 'created' => '2020-03-10 09:53:44', 'modified' => '2020-03-13 10:43:40', 'access' => 1, 'state' => 1, 'publish_up' => '2020-03-10 09:53:44', 'publish_down' => null, 'metakey' => 'bonvinitas Weinbewertung, 86 Punkte für 2019 Rosé Pinot Noir, Weingut Leitz, Rheinhessen, Aldi, Wein, Weinbewertung, Aldi Süd', 'metadesc' => 'bonvinitas Weinbewertung, 86 Punkte für 2019 Rosé Pinot Noir, Weingut Leitz, Rheinhessen. Zu beziehen bei Aldi', 'extension' => 'com_content', 'featured' => 0, 'media_count' => 0, 'video_count' => 0, 'photo_count' => 0, 'audio_count' => 0, 'attachment_count' => 0, 'media_count_owner' => 0, 'video_count_owner' => 0, 'photo_count_owner' => 0, 'audio_count_owner' => 0, 'attachment_count_owner' => 0, 'media_count_user' => 0, 'video_count_user' => 0, 'photo_count_user' => 0, 'audio_count_user' => 0, 'attachment_count_user' => 0, 'menu_id' => false, 'preview' => false, 'pubstate' => 'published', 'created_UTC' => '2020-03-10 09:53:44', 'modified_UTC' => '2020-03-13 10:43:40', 'publish_up_UTC' => '2020-03-10 09:53:44', 'url' => 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8805:2019-rose-pinot-noir&catid=22:trocken-bis-12-prozent'), 'ListingType' => array('listing_type_id' => 4), 'Category' => array('cat_id' => 22, 'title' => '1 - Trockene Weine, bis 12 % Alkohol', 'slug' => 'trocken-bis-12-prozent', 'access' => 1, 'params' => '{"category_layout":"","image":"","image_alt":""}', 'menu_id' => '', 'menu_id_base' => null), 'Directory' => array('dir_id' => 3, 'title' => 'Weinbewertungen', 'slug' => 'weinbewertungen', 'menu_id' => ''), 'User' => array('user_id' => 43, 'name' => 'Dieter Simon', 'username' => 'simon', 'email' => 'info@bonvinitas.com', 'block' => 0), 'Claim' => array('approved' => 1), 'Review' => array('user_rating' => '0.0000', 'user_rating_count' => 0, 'user_criteria_rating' => '0.0000', 'user_criteria_rating_count' => '0', 'user_review_count' => 0, 'editor_rating' => '86.0000', 'editor_rating_count' => 1, 'editor_criteria_rating' => '86.0000', 'editor_criteria_rating_count' => '1', 'editor_review_count' => 1, 'review_count' => 0), 'Field' => array('groups' => array('weinbewertungen' => array('Group' => array('group_id' => 5, 'title' => 'Weinbewertungen', 'name' => 'weinbewertungen', 'show_title' => 0, 'control_field' => '', 'control_value' => ''), 'Fields' => array('jr_jrreviewcat' => array('id' => 59, 'group_id' => 5, 'name' => 'jr_jrreviewcat', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => 'Kategorie', 'description' => '', 'value' => array('1-trocken-bis-12'), 'text' => array('1 - trocken, bis einschließlich 12 Vol.% Alkohol - grüne Punkte'), 'image' => array(''), 'properties' => array('show_title' => 1, 'location' => 'content', 'contentview' => 1, 'listview' => 0, 'compareview' => 1, 'listsort' => 0, 'search' => 0, 'access' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10', 'access_view' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10', 'autocomplete' => '0', 'click2search' => '1', 'click2add' => '1', 'description_position' => '1', 'description_output' => '0', 'autocomplete.search' => '0', 'autocomplete.option_type' => 'link', 'autocomplete.option_pos' => 'after', 'option_images' => '1', 'option_ordering' => '1', 'click2searchlink' => 'https://www.bonvinitas.com/de/weinbewertungen/unsere-bewertungsbogen', 'output_format' => '{FIELDTEXT}', 'click2search_format' => '<a href="{click2searchurl}">{optiontext}</a>', 'formatbeforeclick' => '0', 'php_format_theme' => '', 'php_format' => '', 'listing_type' => '')), 'jr_kategorie' => array('id' => 9, 'group_id' => 5, 'name' => 'jr_kategorie', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => 'Weinart', 'description' => '', 'value' => array('rosé'), 'text' => array('Rosé'), 'image' => array(''), 'properties' => array('show_title' => 1, 'location' => 'content', 'contentview' => 1, 'listview' => 0, 'compareview' => 1, 'listsort' => 0, 'search' => 1, 'access' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'access_view' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'autocomplete' => '0', 'click2search' => '1', 'click2add' => '1', 'description_position' => '1', 'description_output' => '0', 'autocomplete.search' => '0', 'autocomplete.option_type' => 'link', 'autocomplete.option_pos' => 'after', 'option_images' => '1', 'option_ordering' => '1', 'click2searchlink' => 'index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid={ITEMID}&url=tag/{FIELDNAME}/{FIELDTEXT}/criteria:{CRITERIAID}/', 'output_format' => '{FIELDTEXT}', 'click2search_format' => '<a href="{click2searchurl}">{optiontext}</a>', 'formatbeforeclick' => '0', 'php_format_theme' => '', 'php_format' => '', 'listing_type' => '')), 'jr_geschmack' => array('id' => 12, 'group_id' => 5, 'name' => 'jr_geschmack', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => 'Geschmack', 'description' => '', 'value' => array('trocken'), 'text' => array('trocken'), 'image' => array(''), 'properties' => array('show_title' => 1, 'location' => 'content', 'contentview' => 1, 'listview' => 0, 'compareview' => 1, 'listsort' => 0, 'search' => 0, 'access' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'access_view' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'autocomplete' => '0', 'description_position' => '1', 'click2search' => '1', 'click2add' => '1', 'autocomplete.search' => '0', 'autocomplete.option_type' => 'link', 'autocomplete.option_pos' => 'after', 'option_images' => '1', 'option_ordering' => '1', 'click2searchlink' => 'index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid={ITEMID}&url=tag/{FIELDNAME}/{FIELDTEXT}/criteria:{CRITERIAID}/', 'output_format' => '{FIELDTEXT}', 'formatbeforeclick' => '0', 'listing_type' => '')), 'jr_land' => array('id' => 8, 'group_id' => 5, 'name' => 'jr_land', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => 'Land', 'description' => '', 'value' => array('deutschland'), 'text' => array('Deutschland'), 'image' => array(''), 'properties' => array('show_title' => 1, 'location' => 'content', 'contentview' => 1, 'listview' => 0, 'compareview' => 1, 'listsort' => 0, 'search' => 1, 'access' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'access_view' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'autocomplete' => '0', 'click2search' => '1', 'click2add' => '1', 'description_position' => '1', 'autocomplete.search' => '0', 'autocomplete.option_type' => 'link', 'autocomplete.option_pos' => 'after', 'option_images' => '1', 'option_ordering' => '1', 'click2searchlink' => 'index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid={ITEMID}&url=tag/{FIELDNAME}/{FIELDTEXT}/criteria:{CRITERIAID}/', 'output_format' => '{FIELDTEXT}', 'click2search_format' => '<a href="{click2searchurl}" title="Mehr von diesem Land">{optiontext}</a>', 'formatbeforeclick' => '0', 'php_format' => '', 'listing_type' => '')), 'jr_anbauregion' => array('id' => 7, 'group_id' => 5, 'name' => 'jr_anbauregion', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => 'Anbaugebiet', 'description' => '', 'value' => array('rheinhessen'), 'text' => array('Rheinhessen'), 'image' => array(''), 'properties' => array('show_title' => 1, 'location' => 'content', 'contentview' => 1, 'listview' => 0, 'compareview' => 1, 'listsort' => 0, 'search' => 1, 'access' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'access_view' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'autocomplete' => '0', 'click2search' => '1', 'click2add' => '1', 'description_position' => '1', 'description_output' => '0', 'autocomplete.search' => '0', 'autocomplete.option_type' => 'link', 'autocomplete.option_pos' => 'after', 'option_images' => '1', 'option_ordering' => '1', 'click2searchlink' => 'index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid={ITEMID}&url=tag/{FIELDNAME}/{FIELDTEXT}/criteria:{CRITERIAID}/', 'output_format' => '{FIELDTEXT}', 'click2search_format' => '<a href="{click2searchurl}">{optiontext}</a>', 'formatbeforeclick' => '0', 'php_format_theme' => '', 'php_format' => '', 'listing_type' => '')), 'jr_rebsorten' => array('id' => 11, 'group_id' => 5, 'name' => 'jr_rebsorten', 'type' => 'selectmultiple', 'title' => 'Rebsorte', 'description' => 'Rebsorte', 'value' => array('pinot-noir'), 'text' => array('Pinot Noir'), 'image' => array(''), 'properties' => array('show_title' => 1, 'location' => 'content', 'contentview' => 1, 'listview' => 0, 'compareview' => 1, 'listsort' => 0, 'search' => 1, 'access' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'access_view' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8', 'autocomplete' => '0', 'click2search' => '1', 'click2add' => '1', 'description_position' => '4', 'description_output' => '0', 'autocomplete.search' => '1', 'autocomplete.option_type' => 'link', 'autocomplete.option_pos' => 'after', 'max_options' => '', 'option_images' => '1', 'option_ordering' => '1', 'click2searchlink' => 'index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid={ITEMID}&url=tag/{FIELDNAME}/{FIELDTEXT}/criteria:{CRITERIAID}/', 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Ein Wein wie ein fröhlicher Jahrmarkt mit bis zu vier Jahren Potenzial. Ich würde mit dem Genießen jedoch nicht zu lange warten, damit er seine Fröhlichkeit behält. Passt gut zu Bratwurst oder Pfeffersteak sowie auch zu einem schönen lauen Frühlings- oder Sommerabend.</span></span><span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #0000ff;"><br /></span>', 'images' => '', 'hits' => 1694, 'cat_id' => 47, 'user_id' => 43, 'author_alias' => '', 'created' => '2020-03-09 10:58:02', 'modified' => '2020-03-13 10:44:56', 'access' => 1, 'state' => 1, 'publish_up' => '2020-03-09 10:58:02', 'publish_down' => null, 'metakey' => 'bonvinitas Weinbewertung, 87 Punkte, 2018 Blend Portugal, Casa Santos Lima, Portugal, Wein, Aldi, Aldi Süd', 'metadesc' => 'bonvinitas Weinbewertung: 87 Punkte für 2018 Blend Portugal, Casa Santos Lima, Portugal', 'extension' => 'com_content', 'featured' => 0, 'media_count' => 0, 'video_count' => 0, 'photo_count' => 0, 'audio_count' => 0, 'attachment_count' => 0, 'media_count_owner' => 0, 'video_count_owner' => 0, 'photo_count_owner' => 0, 'audio_count_owner' => 0, 'attachment_count_owner' => 0, 'media_count_user' => 0, 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