Attempt to assign property "__services" on bool (500 Internal Server Error)

Attempt to assign property "__services" on bool



  1.                     $this->loaded[$method_name] = & ${$method_name};
  2.                     // Add vars injected from controller
  3.                     ${$method_name}->__services $this->__services;
  4.                     // Pass View vars to Helper Object
  5.                     foreach ( $this->__passedVars AS $key )
  6.                     {
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Das war eines der Ergebnisse des Deutschen Burgunder-Cups 2015, der unter Beteiligung der Weinexperten Paula Bosch, Lothar Schrempp und Peter Zilliger sowie dem WirWinzer-Verkostungs-Team um Jenny Weiss in München stattfand. Neben altbekannten Platzhirschen konnten auch Newcomer überzeugen.</p> <p> </p> <h3>Blindverkostung mit vier Rebsorten in drei Klassen</h3> <p><img style="margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 10px; float: left;" alt="Die blind verkosteten Weine wurden in drei stilistische Klassen eingeteilt." src="images/2015-11-25-BurgunderCup-WirWinzer_1.jpg" height="240" width="361" />Ausgehend von einem von WirWinzer eigens entwickelten Bewertungssystem, welches das Geschmacksempfinden des Weingenießers in den Vordergrund stellt, wurden mehr als 400 Weine der  Rebsorten Weiß-, Grau-, Früh- und Spätburgunder in drei stilistische Klassen eingeteilt und in Blindverkostung bewertet: Frisch-fruchtige Weine (in der Regel im Stahltank ausgebaut und fruchtbetont), Weine mit Herkunftsbezug (aus einzelnen oder mehreren Weinbergen einer Ortschaft) und Premium-Weine (Weine der Sortimentsspitze aus den besten Einzellagen, mit Holzausbau).</p> <p> </p> <h3>Überraschungssieger bei den Spätburgundern</h3> <p>Für die wohl größte Furore sorgte Volker Riske vom Weingut Erwin Riske mit dem 2013er Spätburgunder vom Dernauer Hardtberg in der Königs-Disziplin "Spätburgunder / Premium-Weine". Aber auch berühmte Namen waren erfolgreich: In der Premium-Klasse der Grauburgunder konnte sich mit dem 2013er Grauburgunder Eichberg Großes Gewächs vom VDP-Weingut Salwey eines der renommiertesten badischen Weingüter den ersten Platz sichern.</p> <p> </p> <h3>Die Sieger</h3> <p><strong>Kategorie Premium-Wein</strong></p> <p><strong>Grauburgunder:</strong> 2013 Grauburgunder Eichberg VDP Großes Gewächs, QbA trocken, Weingut Salwey (Baden)<br /><strong>Weißburgunder:</strong> 2014 Edition Weinart Pinot Blanc – im Holzfass gereift – Spätlese trocken, Weinbau Hofmann (Franken)<br /><strong>Spätburgunder:</strong> 2013 Dernauer Hardtberg Spätburgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Erwin Riske (Ahr)<br /><strong>Frühburgunder:</strong> 2011 Marienthaler Rosenberg Frühburgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Peter Kriechel (Ahr)<br /><br /><strong></strong></p> <p><strong>Kategorie Wein mit Herkunftsbezug</strong><br /><br /><strong>Grauburgunder:</strong> 2014 Dalheimer Grauer Burgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Eckehart Gröhl (Rheinhessen)<br /><strong>Weißburgunder:</strong> 2014 Ingelheimer Weisser Burgunder VDP Ortswein QbA trocken, Weingut Schloss Westerhaus (Rheinhessen)<br /><strong>Spätburgunder:</strong> 2011 Brauneberger Mandelgraben Pinot Noir QbA trocken, Weingut Markus Molitor (Mosel)<br /><strong>Frühburgunder:</strong> 2013 Mayschoß Pinot Madeleine QbA trocken, Weingut Josten & Klein (Mittelrhein)</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Kategorie frisch-fruchtiger Wein</strong> </p> <p><strong>Grauburgunder:</strong> 2014 Grauer Burgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Wilker (Pfalz)<br /><strong>Weissburgunder:</strong> 2014 Weißburgunder „Bastei“ QbA trocken, Weingut Löffler (Baden)<br /><strong>Spätburgunder:</strong> 2014 Pfeddersheimer Spätburgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Feth-Wehrhof (Rheinhessen)<br /><br />Alle Finalisten finden Sie <a href="">hier. </a></p>', 'images' => 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  1.         }
  2.         // Finds the view file
  3.         $viewPath $this->locateThemeFile($action,$file,$this->ext,$this->frontend);
  4.         $out $this->_render($viewPath$this->viewVars);
  5.         # Set layout file
  6.         if ($layout === null) {
  7.             $layout $this->layout;
  8.         }
MyView->render('listings', 'listings_blogview', null) in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_s2framework/s2framework/libs/controller/controller.php (line 247)
  1.         $view = new MyView($this);
  2.         $out $view
  3.             ->changeExtension($this->theme_extension)
  4.             ->forceFrontend($this->frontend)
  5.             ->render($folder$file$layout);
  6.         // Restore controller variable values
  7.         foreach ( ['name','action','viewSuffix'] AS $var )
  8.         {
S2Controller->render('listings', 'listings_blogview', null) in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/jreviews/controllers/my_controller.php (line 362)
  1.         if ($output)
  2.         {
  3.             return $output;
  4.         }
  5.         return parent::render($folder$template$layout);
  6.     }
  7.     /**
  8.      * This callback can be used to inject assets to the head of the page from within Add-ons while also providing access
  9.      * to the controller::viewVars array. Use S2Component::plgBeforeAfterFilter method.
MyController->render('listings', 'listings_blogview') in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/jreviews/controllers/categories_controller.php (line 709)
  1.         }
  2.         // Remove parameters added through menu custom params so they are not used in pagination
  3.         $this->passedArgs array_diff_key($this->passedArgs$this->customParamsArray);
  4.         return $this->render('listings','listings_' $this->listview);
  5.     }
  6.     public function compareCatchAll()
  7.     {
  8.         $this->action 'compare';
  1.         {
  2.             $out $this->liveSearchResults();
  3.         }
  4.         else {
  5.             $out $this->listings();
  6.         }
  7.         return $out;
  8.     }
CategoriesController->search(array('url' => array('url' => 'tag/schlagwoerter/fr%c3%bchburgunder', 'Itemid' => '563', 'option' => 'com_jreviews'), 'data' => array('controller' => 'categories', 'action' => 'search', '__raw' => array('controller' => 'categories', 'action' => 'search')), 'form' => array(), 'view' => 'advancedsearch', 'option' => 'com_jreviews', 'Itemid' => '563', 'tag' => array('field' => 'schlagwoerter', 'value' => 'frühburgunder'), 'default_limit' => 25)) in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_s2framework/s2framework/dispatcher.php (line 359)
  1.             // If macroable controller method exists, then use that instead of the core method
  2.             $action $macroableController && $controller->hasMacro($controller->action.'_override') ? $controller->action.'_override' $controller->action;
  3.             $output $controller->{$action}($this->params);
  4.         }
  5.         $controller->output = &$output;
  6.         # Instantiate view class and let it handle ouput
  1.         if (isset($dispatchParams[$key]) && !$dispatchParams[$key]) {
  2.             unset($dispatchParams[$key]);
  3.         }
  4.     }
  6.     echo $Dispatcher->dispatch($dispatchParams);
  8.     unset($menu,$Dispatcher);
  9. }
  10. function JReviewsRouteActionsMap($action)
JReviewsLegacyRouting('/tag/schlagwoerter/fr%c3%bchburgunder') in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/routes/web.php (line 41)
  1.     return;
  2. }
  3. $this->app['router']->any('{any}', function () {
  4.     require_once __DIR__.'/web-legacy-'._CMS_NAME.'.php';
  5.     return JReviewsLegacyRouting($this->app['request']->server->get('REQUEST_URI'));
  6. })->where('any''(.*)');
  1.     {
  2.         $callable $this->action['uses'];
  3.         if ($this->isSerializedClosure()) {
  4.             $callable \unserialize($this->action['uses'])->getClosure();
  5.         }
  6.         return $callable(...\array_values($this->resolveMethodDependencies($this->parametersWithoutNulls(), new \ReflectionFunction($callable))));
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Determine if the route action is a serialized Closure.
  10.      *
  11.      * @return bool
  1.         $this->container $this->container ?: new \FWD\Illuminate\Container\Container();
  2.         try {
  3.             if ($this->isControllerAction()) {
  4.                 return $this->runController();
  5.             }
  6.             return $this->runCallable();
  7.         } catch (\FWD\Illuminate\Http\Exceptions\HttpResponseException $e) {
  8.             return $e->getResponse();
  9.         }
  10.     }
  11.     /**
  1.     protected function runRouteWithinStack(\FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route\FWD\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
  2.     {
  3.         $shouldSkipMiddleware $this->container->bound('middleware.disable') && $this->container->make('middleware.disable') === \true;
  4.         $middleware $shouldSkipMiddleware ? [] : $this->gatherRouteMiddleware($route);
  5.         return (new \FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline($this->container))->send($request)->through($middleware)->then(function ($request) use($route) {
  6.             return $this->prepareResponse($request$route->run());
  7.         });
  8.     }
  9.     /**
  10.      * Gather the middleware for the given route with resolved class names.
  11.      *
  1.      */
  2.     protected function prepareDestination(\Closure $destination)
  3.     {
  4.         return function ($passable) use($destination) {
  5.             try {
  6.                 return $destination($passable);
  7.             } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  8.                 return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  9.             }
  10.         };
  11.     }
  1.             if ($route->getMissing()) {
  2.                 return $route->getMissing()($request$exception);
  3.             }
  4.             throw $exception;
  5.         }
  6.         return $next($request);
  7.     }
  8. }
  1.                         // If the pipe is already an object we'll just make a callable and pass it to
  2.                         // the pipe as-is. There is no need to do any extra parsing and formatting
  3.                         // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object.
  4.                         $parameters = [$passable$stack];
  5.                     }
  6.                     $carry \method_exists($pipe$this->method) ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters) : $pipe(...$parameters);
  7.                     return $this->handleCarry($carry);
  8.                 } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  9.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  10.                 }
  11.             };
  1.      * @return mixed
  2.      */
  3.     public function then(\Closure $destination)
  4.     {
  5.         $pipeline \array_reduce(\array_reverse($this->pipes()), $this->carry(), $this->prepareDestination($destination));
  6.         return $pipeline($this->passable);
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Run the pipeline and return the result.
  10.      *
  11.      * @return mixed
  1.      */
  2.     protected function runRouteWithinStack(\FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Route $route\FWD\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
  3.     {
  4.         $shouldSkipMiddleware $this->container->bound('middleware.disable') && $this->container->make('middleware.disable') === \true;
  5.         $middleware $shouldSkipMiddleware ? [] : $this->gatherRouteMiddleware($route);
  6.         return (new \FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline($this->container))->send($request)->through($middleware)->then(function ($request) use($route) {
  7.             return $this->prepareResponse($request$route->run());
  8.         });
  9.     }
  10.     /**
  11.      * Gather the middleware for the given route with resolved class names.
  1.     {
  2.         $request->setRouteResolver(function () use($route) {
  3.             return $route;
  4.         });
  5.         $this->events->dispatch(new \FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Events\RouteMatched($route$request));
  6.         return $this->prepareResponse($request$this->runRouteWithinStack($route$request));
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Run the given route within a Stack "onion" instance.
  10.      *
  11.      * @param  \Illuminate\Routing\Route  $route
  1.      * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  2.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
  3.      */
  4.     public function dispatchToRoute(\FWD\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
  5.     {
  6.         return $this->runRoute($request$this->findRoute($request));
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Find the route matching a given request.
  10.      *
  11.      * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  1.      * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
  2.      */
  3.     public function dispatch(\FWD\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
  4.     {
  5.         $this->currentRequest $request;
  6.         return $this->dispatchToRoute($request);
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Dispatch the request to a route and return the response.
  10.      *
  11.      * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  1.      */
  2.     protected function dispatchToRouter()
  3.     {
  4.         return function ($request) {
  5.             $this->app->instance('request'$request);
  6.             return $this->router->dispatch($request);
  7.         };
  8.     }
  9.     /**
  10.      * Call the terminate method on any terminable middleware.
  11.      *
  1.      */
  2.     protected function prepareDestination(\Closure $destination)
  3.     {
  4.         return function ($passable) use($destination) {
  5.             try {
  6.                 return $destination($passable);
  7.             } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  8.                 return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  9.             }
  10.         };
  11.     }
  1.      */
  2.     public function handle($request\Closure $next)
  3.     {
  4.         // Check if we're dealing with CORS and if we should handle it
  5.         if (!$this->shouldRun($request)) {
  6.             return $next($request);
  7.         }
  8.         // For Preflight, return the Preflight response
  9.         if ($this->cors->isPreflightRequest($request)) {
  10.             $response $this->cors->handlePreflightRequest($request);
  11.             $this->cors->varyHeader($response'Access-Control-Request-Method');
  1.                         // If the pipe is already an object we'll just make a callable and pass it to
  2.                         // the pipe as-is. There is no need to do any extra parsing and formatting
  3.                         // since the object we're given was already a fully instantiated object.
  4.                         $parameters = [$passable$stack];
  5.                     }
  6.                     $carry \method_exists($pipe$this->method) ? $pipe->{$this->method}(...$parameters) : $pipe(...$parameters);
  7.                     return $this->handleCarry($carry);
  8.                 } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  9.                     return $this->handleException($passable$e);
  10.                 }
  11.             };
  1.      * @return mixed
  2.      */
  3.     public function then(\Closure $destination)
  4.     {
  5.         $pipeline \array_reduce(\array_reverse($this->pipes()), $this->carry(), $this->prepareDestination($destination));
  6.         return $pipeline($this->passable);
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Run the pipeline and return the result.
  10.      *
  11.      * @return mixed
  1.     protected function sendRequestThroughRouter($request)
  2.     {
  3.         $this->app->instance('request'$request);
  4.         \FWD\Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade::clearResolvedInstance('request');
  5.         $this->bootstrap();
  6.         return (new \FWD\Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline($this->app))->send($request)->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware)->then($this->dispatchToRouter());
  7.     }
  8.     /**
  9.      * Bootstrap the application for HTTP requests.
  10.      *
  11.      * @return void
  1.      */
  2.     public function handle($request)
  3.     {
  4.         try {
  5.             $request->enableHttpMethodParameterOverride();
  6.             $response $this->sendRequestThroughRouter($request);
  7.         } catch (\Throwable $e) {
  8.             $this->reportException($e);
  9.             $response $this->renderException($request$e);
  10.         }
  11.         $this->app['events']->dispatch(new \FWD\Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Events\RequestHandled($request$response));
  1. function s2_dispatch()
  2. {
  3.     $app fwd_app();
  4.     $request fwd_request();
  5.     $kernel $app->get('kernel');
  6.     $response $kernel->handle($request);
  7.     if ($app->has('response_headers')) {
  8.         $response->withHeaders($app->make('response_headers'));
  9.     }
  10.     if ($response->getStatusCode() === 204) {
  11.         $response->send();
  1. defined('_JEXEC') or die;
  2. require_once JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_jreviews/jreviews/framework.php';
  3. s2framework\s2_dispatch();
require('/www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/jreviews/cms_compat/joomla/bootloader.php') in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/joomla.php (line 20)
  1.             if (! static::throw_s2framework_error()) {
  2.                 return;
  3.             }
  4.         }
  5.         require __DIR__.DS.'jreviews'.DS.'cms_compat'.DS.'joomla'.DS.'bootloader.php';
  6.     }
  7.     public static function s2framework_is_not_active()
  8.     {
  9.         if (defined('S2FRAMEWORK_BOOTED')) {
JReviews->__invoke('/www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/jreviews.php') in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/jreviews.php (line 25)
  1. require_once __DIR__."/{$cmsName}.php";
  2. $jreviews = new JReviews\JReviews();
  3. $jreviews(__FILE__);
require_once('/www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/jreviews.php') in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php (line 71)
  1.         // Load common and local language files.
  2.         $lang->load($this->app->scopeJPATH_BASE) || $lang->load($this->app->scopeJPATH_COMPONENT);
  3.         // Execute the component
  4.         $loader = static function ($path) {
  5.             require_once $path;
  6.         };
  7.         $loader($path);
  8.     }
  9. }
LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure}('/www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_jreviews/jreviews.php') in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php (line 73)
  1.         // Execute the component
  2.         $loader = static function ($path) {
  3.             require_once $path;
  4.         };
  5.         $loader($path);
  6.     }
  7. }
LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch() in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php (line 361)
  1.         if (!static::isEnabled($option)) {
  2.             throw new MissingComponentException(Text::_('JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND'), 404);
  3.         }
  4.         ob_start();
  5.         $app->bootComponent($option)->getDispatcher($app)->dispatch();
  6.         $contents ob_get_clean();
  7.         // Revert the scope
  8.         $app->scope $scope;
ComponentHelper::renderComponent('com_jreviews') in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php (line 208)
  1.             $document->setGenerator('Joomla! - Open Source Content Management - Version ' JVERSION);
  2.         } else {
  3.             $document->setGenerator('Joomla! - Open Source Content Management');
  4.         }
  5.         $contents ComponentHelper::renderComponent($component);
  6.         $document->setBuffer($contents'component');
  7.         // Trigger the onAfterDispatch event.
  8.         PluginHelper::importPlugin('system');
  9.         $this->triggerEvent('onAfterDispatch');
  1.              */
  2.             $this->checkUserRequireReset('com_users''profile''edit''com_users/,com_users/profile.apply,com_users/user.logout');
  3.         }
  4.         // Dispatch the application
  5.         $this->dispatch();
  6.         // Mark afterDispatch in the profiler.
  7.         JDEBUG $this->profiler->mark('afterDispatch') : null;
  8.     }
  1.             $this->sanityCheckSystemVariables();
  2.             $this->setupLogging();
  3.             $this->createExtensionNamespaceMap();
  4.             // Perform application routines.
  5.             $this->doExecute();
  6.             // If we have an application document object, render it.
  7.             if ($this->document instanceof \Joomla\CMS\Document\Document) {
  8.                 // Render the application output.
  9.                 $this->render();
CMSApplication->execute() in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/includes/app.php (line 61)
  1. // Set the application as global app
  2. \Joomla\CMS\Factory::$application $app;
  3. // Execute the application.
  4. $app->execute();
require_once('/www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/includes/app.php') in /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/index.php (line 32)
  1.  * define() is used rather than "const" to not error for PHP 5.2 and lower
  2.  */
  3. define('_JEXEC'1);
  4. // Run the application - All executable code should be triggered through this file
  5. require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/app.php';

Stack Trace

Attempt to assign property "__services" on bool

  at /www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/components/com_s2framework/s2framework/libs/view/view.php:376
  at MyView->_render('/www/htdocs/w00e5bfa/templates/jreviews_overrides/views/themes/bonvinitas/listings/listings_blogview.thtml', array('page' => array('title' => 'Frühburgunder', 'menu_title' => 'Erweiterte Suche', 'seo_title' => '', 'top_description' => '', 'show_title' => '1', 'menuParams' => array('action' => '11', 'criteriaid' => '0', 'tmpl_suffix' => '', 'menu-anchor_title' => '', 'menu-anchor_css' => '', 'menu_image' => '', 'menu_text' => 1, 'page_title' => '', 'show_page_heading' => 0, 'page_heading' => '', 'pageclass_sfx' => '', 'menu-meta_description' => '', 'menu-meta_keywords' => '', 'robots' => '', 'secure' => 0), 'title_seo' => 'Frühburgunder', 'show_description' => '1'), 'show_map' => false, 'search_itemid' => 563, 'themeDebug' => false, 'addonPosition' => array('below-fields' => array(), 'below-description' => array(), 'below-socialbookmarks' => array(), 'below-bottommedia' => array(), 'below-editorreviews' => array(), 'below-userreviews' => array()), 'captcha' => '', 'listingListLayoutSettings' => array('layoutSwitcher' => true), 'subclass' => 'listing', 'directory' => array(), 'category' => array(), 'categories' => array(), 'parent_categories' => array(), 'cat_id' => 0, 'listings' => array(array('Listing' => array('listing_id' => 6071, 'slug' => 'die-besten-burgunder-von-deutschen-winzern-praemiert', 'title' => 'Die besten Burgunder von deutschen Winzern prämiert', 'summary' => 'Burgunder-Cup: WirWinzer prämiert die besten Grau-, Weiß-, Spät- und Frühburgunder.', 'description' => '<p> </p>
<p>Die hiesigen Weine der Burgunder-Rebsorten erreichen ein immer höheres Niveau. Das war eines der Ergebnisse des Deutschen Burgunder-Cups 2015, der unter Beteiligung der Weinexperten Paula Bosch, Lothar Schrempp und Peter Zilliger sowie dem WirWinzer-Verkostungs-Team um Jenny Weiss in München stattfand. Neben altbekannten Platzhirschen konnten auch Newcomer überzeugen.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Blindverkostung mit vier Rebsorten in drei Klassen</h3>
<p><img style="margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 10px; float: left;" alt="Die blind verkosteten Weine wurden in drei stilistische Klassen eingeteilt." src="images/2015-11-25-BurgunderCup-WirWinzer_1.jpg" height="240" width="361" />Ausgehend von einem von WirWinzer eigens entwickelten Bewertungssystem, welches das Geschmacksempfinden des Weingenießers in den Vordergrund stellt, wurden mehr als 400 Weine der  Rebsorten Weiß-, Grau-, Früh- und Spätburgunder in drei stilistische Klassen eingeteilt und in Blindverkostung bewertet: Frisch-fruchtige Weine (in der Regel im Stahltank ausgebaut und fruchtbetont), Weine mit Herkunftsbezug (aus einzelnen oder mehreren Weinbergen einer Ortschaft) und Premium-Weine (Weine der Sortimentsspitze aus den besten Einzellagen, mit Holzausbau).</p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Überraschungssieger bei den Spätburgundern</h3>
<p>Für die wohl größte Furore sorgte Volker Riske vom Weingut Erwin Riske mit dem 2013er Spätburgunder vom Dernauer Hardtberg in der Königs-Disziplin "Spätburgunder / Premium-Weine". Aber auch berühmte Namen waren erfolgreich: In der Premium-Klasse der Grauburgunder konnte sich mit dem 2013er Grauburgunder Eichberg Großes Gewächs vom VDP-Weingut Salwey eines der renommiertesten badischen Weingüter den ersten Platz sichern.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Die Sieger</h3>
<p><strong>Kategorie Premium-Wein</strong></p>
<p><strong>Grauburgunder:</strong> 2013 Grauburgunder Eichberg VDP Großes Gewächs, QbA trocken, Weingut Salwey (Baden)<br /><strong>Weißburgunder:</strong> 2014 Edition Weinart Pinot Blanc – im Holzfass gereift – Spätlese trocken, Weinbau Hofmann (Franken)<br /><strong>Spätburgunder:</strong> 2013 Dernauer Hardtberg Spätburgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Erwin Riske (Ahr)<br /><strong>Frühburgunder:</strong> 2011 Marienthaler Rosenberg Frühburgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Peter Kriechel (Ahr)<br /><br /><strong></strong></p>
<p><strong>Kategorie Wein mit Herkunftsbezug</strong><br /><br /><strong>Grauburgunder:</strong> 2014 Dalheimer Grauer Burgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Eckehart Gröhl (Rheinhessen)<br /><strong>Weißburgunder:</strong> 2014 Ingelheimer Weisser Burgunder VDP Ortswein QbA trocken, Weingut Schloss Westerhaus (Rheinhessen)<br /><strong>Spätburgunder:</strong> 2011 Brauneberger Mandelgraben Pinot Noir QbA trocken, Weingut Markus Molitor (Mosel)<br /><strong>Frühburgunder:</strong> 2013 Mayschoß Pinot Madeleine QbA trocken, Weingut Josten & Klein (Mittelrhein)</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Kategorie frisch-fruchtiger Wein</strong> </p>
<p><strong>Grauburgunder:</strong> 2014 Grauer Burgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Wilker (Pfalz)<br /><strong>Weissburgunder:</strong> 2014 Weißburgunder „Bastei“ QbA trocken, Weingut Löffler (Baden)<br /><strong>Spätburgunder:</strong> 2014 Pfeddersheimer Spätburgunder QbA trocken, Weingut Feth-Wehrhof (Rheinhessen)<br /><br />Alle Finalisten finden Sie <a href="">hier. </a></p>', 'images' => '{"image_intro":"","float_intro":"","image_intro_alt":"","image_intro_caption":"","image_fulltext":"media\\/reviews\\/photos\\/original\\/c9\\/02\\/a7\\/die-besten-burgunder-von-deutschen-winzern-praemiert-95-1448452786.jpg","float_fulltext":"","image_fulltext_alt":"","image_fulltext_caption":""}', 'hits' => 5115, 'cat_id' => 11, 'user_id' => 291, 'author_alias' => '', 'created' => '2015-11-25 11:59:34', 'modified' => '2015-11-25 11:59:34', 'access' => 1, 'state' => 1, 'publish_up' => '2015-11-25 11:59:34', 'publish_down' => null, 'metakey' => '', 'metadesc' => '', 'extension' => 'com_content', 'featured' => 0, 'media_count' => 1, 'video_count' => 0, 'photo_count' => 1, 'audio_count' => 0, 'attachment_count' => 0, 'media_count_owner' => 1, 'video_count_owner' => 0, 'photo_count_owner' => 1, 'audio_count_owner' => 0, 'attachment_count_owner' => 0, 'media_count_user' => 0, 'video_count_user' => 0, 'photo_count_user' => 0, 'audio_count_user' => 0, 'attachment_count_user' => 0, 'menu_id' => false, 'preview' => false, 'pubstate' => 'published', 'created_UTC' => '2015-11-25 11:59:34', 'modified_UTC' => '2015-11-25 11:59:34', 'publish_up_UTC' => '2015-11-25 11:59:34', 'url' => 'index.php?option=com_content&amp;view=article&amp;id=6071:die-besten-burgunder-von-deutschen-winzern-praemiert&amp;catid=11:news'), 'ListingType' => array('listing_type_id' => 1, 'config' => array('photo_layout' => 'contact_lightbox')), 'Category' => array('cat_id' => 11, 'title' => 'News', 'slug' => 'news', 'access' => 1, 'params' => '{"category_layout":"","image":"","image_alt":""}', 'menu_id' => '', 'menu_id_base' => null), 'Directory' => array('dir_id' => 1, 'title' => 'News', 'slug' => 'news', 'menu_id' => ''), 'User' => array('user_id' => null, 'name' => null, 'username' => null, 'email' => null, 'block' => null), 'Claim' => array('approved' => 1), 'Review' => array('user_rating' => '0.0000', 'user_rating_count' => 0, 'user_criteria_rating' => '', 'user_criteria_rating_count' => '', 'user_review_count' => 0, 'editor_rating' => '0.0000', 'editor_rating_count' => 0, 'editor_criteria_rating' => '', 'editor_criteria_rating_count' => '', 'editor_review_count' => 0, 'review_count' => 0), 'Field' => array('groups' => array('schlagwoerter-quellen' => array('Group' => array('group_id' => 1, 'title' => 'Schlagwörter & Quellenangaben', 'name' => 'schlagwoerter-quellen', 'show_title' => 0, 'control_field' => '', 'control_value' => ''), 'Fields' => array('jr_autor' => array('id' => 74, 'group_id' => 1, 'name' => 'jr_autor', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => 'Autor', 'description' => '', 'value' => array('Redaktion bonvinitas'), 'text' => array('Redaktion bonvinitas'), 'image' => array(''), 'properties' => array('show_title' => 1, 'location' => 'content', 'contentview' => 0, 'listview' => 0, 'compareview' => 0, 'listsort' => 0, 'search' => 0, 'access' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10', 'access_view' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10', 'description_position' => '1', 'click2search' => '0', '' => '0', 'autocomplete.option_type' => 'link', 'autocomplete.option_pos' => 'after', 'valid_regex' => '', 'allow_html' => '0', 'click2searchlink' => 'index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid={ITEMID}&url=tag/{FIELDNAME}/{FIELDTEXT}/criteria:{CRITERIAID}/', 'output_format' => '{FIELDTEXT}', 'formatbeforeclick' => '0', 'listing_type' => '')), 'jr_fotoquelle' => array('id' => 170, 'group_id' => 1, 'name' => 'jr_fotoquelle', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => 'Fotos', 'description' => '', 'value' => array('WirWinzer'), 'text' => array('WirWinzer'), 'image' => array(''), 'properties' => array('show_title' => 1, 'location' => 'content', 'contentview' => 0, 'listview' => 0, 'compareview' => 1, 'listsort' => 0, 'search' => 0, 'access' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10', 'access_view' => '1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10', 'autocomplete' => '0', 'click2search' => '0', 'description_position' => '1', '' => '0', 'autocomplete.option_type' => 'link', 'autocomplete.option_pos' => 'after', 'valid_regex' => '', 'allow_html' => '0', 'click2searchlink' => 'index.php?option=com_jreviews&Itemid={itemid}&url=tag/{fieldname}/{fieldtext}/criteria:{criteriaid}/', 'output_format' => '{FIELDTEXT}', 'click2search_format' => '<a href="{click2searchurl}">{optiontext}</a>', 'formatbeforeclick' => '0', 'php_format' => '', 'listing_type' => '')), 'jr_quelle' => array('id' => 2, 'group_id' => 1, 'name' => 'jr_quelle', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => 'Textquelle', 'description' => 'Nicht Autor nennen. 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