November 7, 2024: DER RING Mosel 1899 great international Wine Auction 2024

Top wines and many rarities - at the Trier Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) plus presentation of the new Grosse Gewächse 2023
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7.11.2024: DER RING Mosel 1899 great international Wine Auction 2024 Top wines and many rarities - at the Trier Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) plus presentation of the new Große Gewächse 2023' 7.11.2024: DER RING Mosel 1899 great international Wine Auction 2024 Top wines and many rarities - at the Trier Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) plus presentation of the new Große Gewächse 2023
Great wines and rarities to make your private wine cellar happy! Anyone can bid, but not directly, but through accredited commission agents: You can tell them for which wines in which quantities you bid up to price x, and commission them accordingly. And so you don't necessarily need to be present in person, unless you want to taste the wines beforehand and experience the auction, which you can also participate in online.

The highly interesting wine list

Don't worry that you will ever have to take the whole big post. As described, partial quantities are also possible, which goes through the commission agents: here the auction offer.

See the details

The auction will take place on 7.11.2024 in the rooms of the IHK conference centre in Trier. From 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. the wines are offered for tasting. At the same time, the new Große Gewächse of the 2023 vintage will be presented and three guest winemakers are showing their wines, too:
Adams, Ingelheim, Rheinhessen
Chat Sauvage, Geisenheim, Rheingau
Jakob Scheider, Niederhausen, Nahe

The auction will take place from 1:00 p.m. 

led by Prof. Sonja Christ-Brendemühl. Here you can also find the auction catalogue with all the information and addresses of the commissioners.
Registration and tickets
Pre-tasting (8:30 - 11:30 a.m.)25.00
Auction (from 1:00 p.m.)  €30.00
Combi (pre-tasting & auction) €50.00

The commission agents

You can instruct the commission agent to bid as follows, for example:
12 bottles from lot 23 to €320
6 bottles from lot 13 to €175
3 bottles from lot 37 to €250

Please clarify all details directly with the commission agents.

Text: Dieter Simon, publisher and editor-in-chief bonvinitas. Source: DER RING Mosel 1899; Header montage: bonvinitas, photo credit: Markus Barzen - Adobestock

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