The Ahr Valley – best red wines and blanc de noir as well as many cheerful wine festivals

worth a trip – especially the red wine hiking trail - Rotweinwanderweg
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The Ahr Valley – the best red wines and Blanc de Noir as well as many cheerful wine festivals. On the left the popular red wine hiking trail, on the right festive parade at the wine festival in Bachem' The Ahr Valley – the best red wines and Blanc de Noir as well as many cheerful wine festivals. On the left the popular red wine hiking trail, on the right festive parade at the wine festival in Bachem
The Ahr Valley is well known for its great Pinot Noir red wines. It is the most north-western German wine-growing region. The vines nestle predominantly on steep slopes that drop down to the river Ahr, which winds narrowly through the Eifel mountains towards the Rhine and flows into the Rhine between the towns Sinzig and Remagen.

And the many festivals and events

If you want to celebrate and experience something, this is the place for you. Even though the Ahr Valley gained an extremely tragic fame due to the flood disaster three years ago, however the festivals celebrate happy origins. Although there are some running all year round, let me pick out a few, especially for this autumn with 2024 dates. Of course, we can also expect the festivals for the coming years.

Ahrweiler wine weeks. photo: Dominik KetzAhrweiler wine weeks. photo: Dominik Ketzat the Bachem wine festival. photo: Dominik Ketzat the Bachem wine festival. photo: Dominik Ketz

The Ahrweiler Wine Weeks

With its four mighty city gates, the medieval town welcomes wine lovers to the Ahrweiler Wine Weeks from 30 August to 1 September and from 6 to 8 September. It‘s the most traditional and largest wine festival on the Ahr. In particular, the cozy Ahrweiler marketplace becomes a meeting place for wine lovers and a dancing area, too, because on all festival days there is music for dancing and celebrating. The highlight is the big winegrowers' festival parade, which moves through the streets lined with half-timbered houses within the city wall ring with all kinds of Ahr wines on tap.

The Bachem Wine Festival

the rural wine festival in Wakporzheim. photo: Dominik Ketzthe rural wine festival in Wakporzheim. photo: Dominik Ketz
Bachem is a town’s district of Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler. The "FestiWein" wine festival from 20 to 22 September is known far beyond the region for its grape harvest procession of 10,000 lights. When dusk falls over the wine village on Sunday evening from 8 p.m., colorfully illuminated floats, foot groups and music bands meander past the spectators. In addition, there will be pop, rock, jazz and folk on various stages in the town centre and, of course, many good wines to enjoy.

The rural wine festival Walporzheim

From 23 to 25 August with many wine stalls and of course music and parade.

The red wine hiking trail - Rotweinwanderweg

Ahrtal on the Rotweinwanderweg. photo: Dominik KetzAhrtal on the Rotweinwanderweg. photo: Dominik KetzA special feature is the 36 km long red wine hiking trail, which winds along the heights with magnificent views from Bad Bodendorf to Altenahr through the vineyards. More details, where the Ahrtal-Tourismus Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler e.V. even recommends three stages for connoisseurs.

More information about all festivals and events.

Text: Dieter Simon, publisher and editor-in-Chief of bonvinitas. Resource: Ahrtal-Tourismus bzw. Ahrtal and Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Marketing GmbH. Header rmontage: bonvinitas; photos in the header: map: cartoon-IT – Adobestock; Rotweinwanderweg: Thomas Ostermann, thosti57 - Adobestock; festival: Dominik Ketz; other photos as indicated


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