7.11.2024: DER RING Mosel 1899 die große internationale Weinauktion 2024 Spitzenweine und viele Raritäten zu ergattern - in der IHK Trier - plus Präsentation der neuen Großen Gewächse

7.11.2024: DER RING Mosel 1899 die große internationale Weinauktion 2024
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Wein und Krebs: Prof. Nicolai Worm über den Einfluss des Lebensstils
kein genereller Zusammenhang von Weinkonsum und Krebs – große Rolle spielen Trinkmuster und Lebensweise

91 bis 93 bonvinitas Punkte – beste Tropfen für ‚süße‘ Anlässe hochelegante Moselrieslinge vom Weingut Martin Conrad. Im Bild: in der Steillage Juffer Blick hinab zur Mosel - die Sonnenuhr in der Lage Juffer-Sonnenuhr

91 bis 93 bonvinitas Punkte – beste Tropfen für ‚süße‘ Anlässe
hochelegante Moselrieslinge vom Weingut Martin Conrad

90 bonvinitas Punkte: Süffig-vollmundiger Weißburgunder – angenehm leicht vom Schiefersteilhang - Weingut Martin Conrad in Brauneberg, Mosel. Im Bild: MArtin Conrad

90 bonvinitas Punkte: Süffig-vollmundiger Weißburgunder – angenehm leicht
vom Schiefersteilhang - Weingut Martin Conrad in Brauneberg, Mosel

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Charlotte Weihl ist die 76. Deutsche Weinkönigin
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bis 92 bonvinitas Punkte: herrliche Moselrieslinge trocken vom Weingut Martin Conrad
taxiert beim Internationalen bonvinitas WINE AWARD, 23.9.2024

New: Official partnership between Institute of MASTERS of WINE (IMW) and German Wine Institute (DWI)

the DWI is now one of the main sponsors

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New: Official partnership between Institute of MASTERS of WINE (IMW) and German Wine Institute (DWI). Photo: one of the big IMW tastings from 2018, which, like here, usually take place in rooms of Vintner's Hall in London. Photo credit: Dillon OsborneNew: Official partnership between Institute of MASTERS of WINE (IMW) and German Wine Institute (DWI). Photo: one of the big IMW tastings from 2018, which, like here, usually take place in rooms of Vintner's Hall in London. Photo credit: Dillon Osborne
The partnership is therefore a great honour for German wine and contributes to the international appreciation of German wines. The cooperation is very much welcomed by the IMW, as the large International Symposium, to which the IMW only invites every few years, took place for the first time in Germany in Wiesbaden in 2023 in cooperation with the DWI. The next International Symposium is not planned until 2026 in Adelaide. In between, tastings take place, such as the Bordeaux tasting, usually in the rooms of Vintner's Hall in London.

The roots of the extremely respectable London IMW go back to 1363. Even then, it was a matter of ensuring the quality of the imported wines. Today, the IMW is a worldwide community of excellent wine connoisseurs and wine professionals, the Masters of Wine (MW). The tests are incredibly strict, so that since the beginning in 1953 only 512 have been chosen. The Community currently has 421 MW in 30 countries, of which only 10 are in Germany.

The IMW also takes care of training and further education. The 2023-24 MW study program currently involves 367 students from 40 countries, accompanied by 36 supporters from research and industry. The DWI has also been able to support Stage 2 courses that took place in Germany.

Text: Dieter Simon, publisher bonvinitas; Source: German Wine Institute; Logos PR.

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